Heather and I had worked together for some time processing the grief of losing my mother (a complicated relationship) as well as the remnants of sexual abuse of my father. I had come so far yet I was stalled in my healing. She suggested doing some therapy sessions in my home. I identified that my home was full of so many painful emotional triggers of my mother and the past, even in things I had stored away in boxes and all of it was having a very negative effect on me. Through that work, my home has now become a safe place to rest and recharge. I am so grateful for Heather’s wisdom.
— B.C., Happy at Home

Explore Space

The spaces in which we live, love, and work reflect the dimensions of our inner life from the furnishings and decor that we choose, to how neat or cluttered it is, to what hides in our closets.  Our space tells us about who we are, where we came from, and what we value.  It has a powerful effect on how we think, feel, and make decisions so it matters to cultivate living space that is meaningful.  

Frank Lloyd Wright once said, “Have nothing in your home that you know not to be beautiful or believe to be useful.” Often we do not realize how our physical space may be holding vestiges of the past that keep us from living fully in the present.  We may be holding on to clothing, gifts, or objects that do not represent who we are or what we want, but we feel guilt or fear in letting them go.  

Creating a work space that inspires you and enhances your focus can dramatically impact your productivity.  Editing what is in your closet while deepening your understanding of self makes a difference in how you shop, what you buy, and how you feel every day.  

I can help you in your space with:

  • Re-creating your space to reflect your authentic self
  • Evoking the feeling you want to have through decorative editing and rearranging
  • Exploring the psychology of self through your clothing and closet
  • Grieving and sorting through a loved one’s belongings
  • Rearranging living space after a loved one dies
  • Processing feelings associated with mementos, letters, family history or heirlooms
  • Processing issues related to hoarding
  • Guiding family members coping with hoarding
  • Smudging and house blessings

Having grown up with a delusional understanding of what I deserved, I used to believe that my environment was strictly functional and that creature comforts were wasteful. Heather challenged me to make some adjustments to my space and take note of how I felt. I immediately noticed a difference! I was shocked by the ways in which my behavior toward others changed once I felt comfortable and inspired by my space. I now navigate stressful times more strategically by using my personal space to center me when other factors are outside of my control.
— E. R., Celebrating Self & Home


Please contact me for rates and participating insurance networks. I will gladly respond to your email but prefer phone conversation for initial appointment inquiries, consultation, and questions about fees for service. I accept cash, check, and credit cards for payment options.